
This is definitely going to be my life’s item! I have weak gums, so every time I brush my teeth, my gums would bleed. I have tried so many different self proclaimed soft toothbrushes but this is on another level. I bought Compact Beauty as the head is smaller since I have small sized tooth
Good quality toothbrushes. Brushing cleanly and comfortably with soft bristle toothbrushes. Highly recommended! 
I’ve been using this brand for years and happy with the quality. It’s suitable for sensitive teeth/gum like mine. 
我很喜欢这款牙刷, 刷了很干净 
我给我四岁的女儿试用这个牙刷,牙刷一放进她的嘴里, 她就跟我说妈妈这个牙刷很舒服, 从此以后她就不用别款牙刷了。 
Softness of the toothbrush is definitely another level, this quality absolutely worth the price. 
非常好用的牙刷!刷毛柔软又够多, 细缝,臼齿都刷得到。刷起来非常舒服, 之前牙医推荐观望了很久, 果然没让我失望。
拜托超好用==, Beauty 跟gum我都有买, 还有买给家人, 真的很推荐, 虽然贵但是很值得。
The bristles are so soft and makes me feeling it is massaging my gum every time I brush my teeth. 
Recommended by my dentist. Love the soft bristles, my gum seldom bleeds since I start using it. 
Bristle lembut and tak buat gusi luka. 
Definitely a 5-star product, love the toothbrush. 
Very nice and comfortable toothbrush, my kid and husband me to buy 2 more after use. 
之前牙医都说我刷牙太大力,因此推荐我用linko sooft toothbrush, 用了果然牙龈都不流血了, 非常推荐。
Lembut sangat, tak boleh pakai berus gigi biasa lagi lepas pakai linko sooft.